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Common Air Conditioning Problems and How Professionals Fix Them

No one wants their air conditioning unit to suddenly fail in the middle of a summer day. The temperature in your home would quickly rise, turning your once comfortable home into an unbearable environment. The frustration and discomfort would be immediate.

The average temperature across the US in April 2024 was 2.7°F above the norm, making it the 12th warmest April in the past 130 years. So, it’s safe to assume that the upcoming summer will be extremely hot.

Today, we’ll discuss common air conditioning problems and how professionals fix them. Furthermore, we’ll share tips to help you maintain your AC in top condition. By the end, you’ll be equipped to tackle or mitigate most air conditioning challenges, ensuring your space remains cool regardless of the weather outside.

Identifying Common Air Conditioning Problems

Air conditioning issues can sneak up on you, transforming your home into a sweltering space. If you understand these problems, you can address them before they escalate.

Thermostat Issues Leading to Non-operation

As the brain of your AC, a thermostat tells the system when to turn it on or off based on your temperature instructions. However, its function can be disrupted by issues with dirt build-up or faulty installation. Because of this, your air conditioning unit could short-cycle, run almost nonstop, or fail to operate. 

Dirty Filters Impeding Airflow and Cooling Efficiency

Air filters play a significant role in maintaining your air conditioning system’s air quality and efficiency. Dust and debris can clog filters, causing issues with the airflow. This makes your system work harder, increasing energy costs and causing the unit to overheat and potentially fail. 

Refrigerant Leaks Affecting Temperature and Efficiency

Refrigerant, or freon, is essential for your air conditioner to produce cold air. Leaks in the system can significantly reduce cooling efficiency, cause uneven temperatures, and increase energy consumption. You might be able to tell a refrigerant leak by the hissing noises or ice that appears on your unit. 

Malfunctioning or Dirty Condenser Coils

When the condenser coils become dirty, or the unit is obstructed by debris, it struggles to release heat effectively. This can result in your air conditioner blowing warm air or working much harder to maintain cool temperatures, leading to increased wear and tear on the system. 

Electric Control Failure and Sensor Problems

Electric control failure and sensor issues can lead to erratic behavior in your air conditioning system. Components like the fan controls and compressor can wear out over time, especially if the system frequently turns on and off. Additionally, if the thermostat sensor is misaligned, the air conditioner may cycle continuously or operate erratically. 

Professional Solutions to Air Conditioning Problems

When AC problems arise, consider hiring professional help. You cannot and should not attempt to fix your AC issues alone, especially if you have no experience or expertise in the area. Here’s how professionals can help maintain your AC in top shape:

Routine Inspection and Correction of Thermostat Settings

Ensure that the thermostat is set to the correct mode (cooling or heating as needed) and that the temperature settings are appropriate for the time of day and season. Recalibration might be necessary if the thermostat fails to reach the preferred temperature setting. 

Calibration checks by a professional can help ensure accurate temperature readings. This involves comparing the thermostat’s readings with an AC-specific thermometer and using the device’s manual for accurate recalibration. For mechanical models, ensuring levelness is crucial for accurate temperature regulation.

Replacement or Cleaning of Air Filters

When your air filters are dirty, they reduce your air conditioner’s efficiency. To keep your AC unit in optimal condition, it’s recommended that you clean or replace them. If the filters are washable, you can rinse them thoroughly and air-dry them before putting them back in function. It’s best to replace disposable filters as often as stated by the manufacturer.

It’s best to inspect your air filter once per month and replace it every three months. However, this can depend on how much you use your AC, whether you have pets, and how high the dust levels in your house are.

Detection of Refrigerant Leaks

You can identify refrigerant leaks through signs like poor cooling performance and ice formation on coils. Professionals use bubble tests, electronic detectors, and pressure resistance tests to detect leaks. 

An annual inspection and maintenance check by a qualified HVAC technician is the most critical preventive measure you can take. This check should include thoroughly inspecting the entire system, cleaning key components, and identifying and repairing any potential issues before they become significant problems. 

Cleaning of Condenser Coils

Condenser coils are cleaned using a gentle water stream to remove debris without damaging the fins. We recommend cleaning the coils one per year, possibly in spring. You can also use a garden hose to wash the outside unit and remove existing debris. A fin comb can help straighten any bent fins.

Electrical Repairs and Sensor Adjustments

Electrical control failures and sensor issues are addressed by checking wiring connections and inspecting each component for signs of wear. A professional should repair faulty wires and adjust or replace the sensors as needed. Regular maintenance checks help identify potential electrical problems early, ensuring the air conditioning system operates smoothly and efficiently.

Keeping the Area Around the Outdoor Unit Clear of Debris and Obstructions

For proper airflow, the area around your outdoor unit should be free of obstructions such as foliage or debris. Keep your plants and shrubs in line and clear out the area of any objects that could obstruct the AC unit’s operation. 

When to Call a Professional

Unusual noises and inefficient cooling from your air conditioner can quickly disrupt your comfort. Identifying these common issues and knowing when to call a professional can save you from significant headaches.

  • Unusual noises like hissing, banging, or screeching signal internal issues such as loose parts, high pressure, or refrigerant leaks. 
  • Low refrigerant, a malfunctioning compressor, or blocked condenser coils can cause the system to fail to cool effectively. A professional can make the necessary repairs.
  • Frequent cycling on and off strains your system and can result from an overused unit, low-pressure control switch issues, or dirty air filters. 
  • Unexpected increases in energy bills might indicate an inefficient system caused by duct leaks, failing parts, or an aging unit. 
  • Visible signs of refrigerant leaks, like ice on the coils or leaks around the unit, require immediate attention. Licensed professionals should be called to repair the leaks and recharge the system.
  • Faulty wires can cause operational issues or even pose a fire hazard. Do not try to fix them yourself—have a professional check them.

Taking action early on these issues helps your system run efficiently and avoids costly repairs. With professional help, you can maintain a comfortable and energy-efficient home all year round.

Bottom Line: Fix Your AC Problems Permanently

Understanding common air conditioning problems and how professionals fix them can help you take proactive measures when a problem occurs. With informed troubleshooting, you can make sure your system operates reliably when you need it most.

At Price Heating & Air, we offer various HVAC services, including maintenance, repairs, installations, and so much more. Our technicians are dedicated to providing top-notch service, making us the best in Muscle Shoals and the surrounding region. Don’t let the heat get in the way of an enjoyable summer—call us today for expert solutions and peace of mind.

Beat the Heat: A Comprehensive Guide to AC Maintenance

TL;DR: Regular AC maintenance is vital for efficiency and longevity. Schedule professional checks annually and DIY tasks like filter changes. Improve efficiency by sealing leaks and using a programmable thermostat. Watch for warning signs like weak airflow or strange noises and contact Price heating and Air promptly.

Welcome to “Beat the Heat: A Comprehensive Guide to AC Maintenance.” As temperatures rise, your air conditioning becomes your best friend in combating the sweltering summer heat. However, like any machine, your AC system requires regular attention and care to ensure it functions efficiently and reliably. In this guide, we’ll delve into the importance of AC maintenance, warning signs that indicate your system needs attention, when it’s time to call in the experts, and some final thoughts to keep your home cool and comfortable throughout the seasons.

The Importance of Regular Maintenance Checks

Your air conditioning system is a complex network of components working together to keep your home cool. Regular maintenance checks are essential for several reasons:

  • Preventive Care: Just like a car needs regular oil changes to prevent breakdowns, your AC system requires maintenance to prevent costly repairs down the line. Regular checks can catch minor issues before they escalate into major problems.
  • Optimal Performance: Proper maintenance ensures that your AC system operates at peak efficiency, keeping energy costs down and extending its lifespan. Clean filters, adequate airflow, and well-lubricated parts all contribute to optimal performance.
  • Improved Air Quality: Your AC system not only cools the air but also filters out dust, pollen, and other airborne particles. Regular maintenance, including filter replacements, helps maintain good indoor air quality, especially important for allergy sufferers or those with respiratory issues.
  • Safety: Faulty AC systems can pose safety risks, such as electrical hazards or gas leaks in certain types of units. Regular maintenance checks can identify and address these safety concerns before they become dangerous.

By scheduling regular maintenance checks with a qualified HVAC technician, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your AC system is operating efficiently and safely.

Signs Your AC Needs Attention: Warning Signals to Watch For

Despite regular maintenance, your AC system may still encounter issues from time to time. Knowing the warning signs can help you address problems before they escalate. Keep an eye out for the following indicators that your AC needs attention:

  • Weak Airflow: If you notice weak airflow coming from your vents, it could indicate a clogged filter, blocked ducts, or issues with the blower fan.
  • Strange Noises: Unusual sounds such as grinding, banging, or squealing coming from your AC unit may signal mechanical problems that require immediate attention.
  • Foul Odors: Musty or foul odors emanating from your vents could indicate mold or mildew growth within the system, which can affect indoor air quality and trigger allergies or respiratory issues.
  • Warm Air: If your AC is blowing warm air instead of cool air, it could indicate refrigerant leaks, compressor issues, or other mechanical failures.
  • Frequent Cycling: An AC system that frequently turns on and off, known as short cycling, may be struggling to maintain temperature settings due to underlying issues.

If you notice any of these warning signs, it’s essential to address them promptly to prevent further damage and ensure your comfort and safety.

When to Call in the Experts

While some minor AC issues can be addressed with DIY maintenance, certain problems require the expertise of a trained HVAC technician. Here are some situations in which it’s best to call in the experts:

  • Refrigerant Leaks: Handling refrigerant requires specialized knowledge and equipment. If you suspect a refrigerant leak, contact a professional HVAC technician to safely diagnose and repair the issue.
  • Electrical Problems: Electrical issues pose serious safety risks. If you experience frequent circuit trips, sparking, or other electrical problems with your AC unit, leave the repairs to a qualified electrician or HVAC technician.
  • Compressor Failure: The compressor is the heart of your AC system, and its failure requires professional attention. Attempting to repair or replace a compressor without proper training can lead to further damage and safety hazards.
  • Ductwork Issues: Problems with your ductwork, such as leaks, blockages, or improper insulation, should be addressed by a professional HVAC technician to ensure efficient airflow and optimal system performance.

When in doubt, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and seek professional help to avoid costly mistakes and ensure the safety and longevity of your AC system.

Final Thoughts

Regular maintenance checks are essential for keeping your air conditioning system running smoothly and efficiently. By addressing issues promptly and scheduling routine maintenance with a qualified HVAC technician, you can enjoy cool, comfortable indoor temperatures year-round while minimizing energy costs and extending the lifespan of your AC unit. Remember to keep an eye out for warning signs that your AC needs attention and don’t hesitate to call in the experts when needed. With proper care and attention, your AC system will continue to be your reliable ally in beating the heat for years to come.


How often should I schedule AC maintenance?

Regular AC maintenance is crucial for optimal performance and longevity of your system. It’s recommended to schedule maintenance at least once a year, ideally before the start of the cooling season. However, if you live in a particularly hot or dusty climate, bi-annual maintenance may be necessary to ensure your AC system remains in top condition.

What are the benefits of professional AC maintenance versus DIY maintenance?

While DIY maintenance tasks such as replacing air filters and cleaning debris from around the unit are essential for upkeep, professional AC maintenance offers several additional benefits. HVAC technicians have the expertise and specialized tools to perform thorough inspections, identify potential issues early, and ensure all components are functioning efficiently. They can also address complex problems safely and accurately, ultimately prolonging the lifespan of your AC system and maximizing its energy efficiency.

How can I improve the efficiency of my AC system between maintenance visits?

In addition to regular maintenance, there are several steps you can take to improve the efficiency of your AC system:

  • Keep air filters clean and replace them regularly to maintain optimal airflow.
  • Seal air leaks around windows, doors, and ductwork to prevent cool air from escaping and hot air from entering your home.
  • Use a programmable thermostat to adjust temperatures based on your schedule, reducing energy consumption when you’re away.
  • Keep outdoor condenser units clear of debris and vegetation to ensure proper airflow.
  • Close blinds or curtains during the hottest parts of the day to reduce solar heat gain.

3 Benefits Provided by a New Commercial HVAC System

Entrepreneurs in Tuscumbia, AL, should always be contemplating improvements to their businesses and seeking out ways to beat the competition. Upgrading your commercial HVAC system may be just the thing you need to gain that all-important advantage. Here are three important benefits you’ll enjoy if you get a new commercial HVAC system:

More Satisfied Customers

A new HVAC system will clean the air in your business headquarters and make everyone present there feel refreshed and energized. Most importantly, this includes your customers. If your customers love how their surroundings make them feel, they will be more likely to buy your products and speak well of your company.

More Productive Employees

The same considerations about high indoor air quality also apply to your workforce. If you upgrade your commercial air conditioning and heating system, your staff will be more comfortable, productive and enthusiastic about coming to work. This translates into greater productivity.

Lower Energy Costs

Despite the substantial upfront cost of installing a new commercial HVAC system, doing so can cut your business outlays in the long run. New commercial HVAC systems slash costs most directly by being more efficient and powerful than their older counterparts, thereby cutting down your utility bills. A newer system is also less likely to require repairs anytime soon and has fewer maintenance demands.

Moreover, if your employees take days off for health reasons, you’ll have to pay at least some of their healthcare expenses and will suffer an opportunity cost from not having them work. Better commercial air conditioning and heating systems and cleaner air can prevent this from happening as often.

Upgrading your commercial HVAC system is a wise and far-sighted investment, especially if your already-existing system has been around for 20 years or more. Call Price Heating and Air today to schedule our commercial HVAC services.

How to Make Your AC System Last Longer in Muscle Shoals, AL

While your air conditioner won’t last forever, there are some things you can do to extend its longevity. Here are some tips to make certain your AC system cools your Muscle Shoals, AL, home efficiently for as long as possible:

Change the Air Filter Often

An air filter is the component in your AC system that helps maintain good indoor air quality. While your AC system runs, this component catches contaminants from the air to prevent them from circulating throughout your home. Over time, these contaminants accumulate on the filter.

After a significant amount of particle buildup, air doesn’t move through your air conditioner freely. Your AC system works harder to draw more air, which can lead to breakdown if you fail to change the filter in a timely manner. For best results, experts recommend you change the filter every 30-90 days.

Schedule Regular AC Maintenance

Scheduling regular AC maintenance service helps keep your air conditioner in good condition. The service technician conducts a thorough check to make sure all is well, cleans components and calibrates the system. HVAC professionals will also look for faulty parts and repair or replace them.

Avoid DIY Air Conditioning Repairs

Although it’s easy to find videos online encouraging you to repair your AC system by yourself, it’s not wise. This is because you can cause damage to the system due to not having the professional training and tools to get the job done.

Avoid Cranking Down the Thermostat

Although most people assume that cranking down the thermostat will cool their homes quicker, this isn’t true. The practice only hurts the air conditioner as it’ll run for a more extended period. Consider inputting your usual temperature range rather than cranking down the thermostat.

If you reside in Muscle Shoals, AL, or any of the surrounding areas and want to make sure your AC system is up to snuff, contact Price Heating and Air to receive top-notch air conditioning services. Our service technicians are highly trained and always use state-of-the-art technology and tools to provide high-quality services to our clients.